Find Out How to Portion Control & What Is the Adequate Portion Size for You?

Portion control leads to good eating habits

Tips on Portion Control, a Balanced Diet, and a Fortius Food Diary

Achieve a healthy weight and feel great by using portion control. It's all about eating the right amount of food for your body. This can be tricky, especially if you're not sure what an adequate portion size is. We provide a FREE Fortius Food Diary to help create a healthy eating plan that works for you! We've put together these tips on portion control and a balanced diet.


Portion control is controlling the amount of food you eat by measuring or weighing your food. It can be helpful for people who want to lose weight, maintain their weight, or manage a chronic disease such as diabetes. There are many ways to measure portion sizes, and it is essential to find one that works for you. 


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best way to determine what portion size is right for you is based on your goals. If you're trying to lose weight, you will want to eat less than you currently do. If you're trying to maintain weight, you'll want to eat the same amount of food you now eat. And if you're trying to gain weight, you'll need to eat more food than you are burning. One of the tools that can help you identify your goal is Body Mass Index (BMI). It is all about calories in and out, so portion size is key to achieving goals!

Body Composition and counting calories



Know your calories and serving sizes

As we said, if you know your goals, you'll know your portion control. It is often as simple as calories in and calories out. So, the first step is to know your goals.


Portion control plates to keep track of your portion sizes

There are many portion control plates and tools available that can help you measure food. Find one that works for you, and use it consistently.


Nutrition Measure All the foods

Use a food scale or measuring cups, spoons, or tools to measure your food. This will help you get an accurate portion size.


Nutrition - Make sure you are eating slowly

Pay attention to your hunger cues. It is crucial not to rush when you eat. Your brain needs 20 minutes to register that you're eating. So, take your time and savor your food.


Nutrition - Weigh yourself regularly

This is an excellent way to track your progress and ensure you're on track to reach your goals. Just keep in mind to get your calories from nutritious foods.


Nutrition - Use a food diary

That said, you're one way closer to downloading a Fortius Food Diary that will help you daily. This is a great way to track your eating and how much you eat. It can also help you identify any patterns in your eating.

Here’s a very simple document you can download to start your journey!

What does our Life Coach Andjela Tanasic say about Portion Control?

What does our Life Coach Andjela Tanasic say about Portion Control?

"Portion control is about being mindful of how much food you eat. It's not about depriving yourself; it's about eating the right amount of food for your body. Portion control is a key part of a balanced diet and can help you reach healthy well-being. The most simple tip I give to my clients is to eat when they are hungry, not when they are bored. Many people eat during an emotional crisis, which we ensure we cover in our Mentorship programs. It is all about portion control and control of your mind and body."


A balanced diet is a diet that includes all of the major food groups in the proper proportions. The primary food groups are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. A balanced diet is vital because it helps you get the proper nutrients. It is also essential to eat a variety of foods so that you don't get bored with your diet.

Food diary for better controlling portion size and preventing unwanted weight gain

However, avoiding certain foods is beneficial if you are food sensitive or have allergies. An example could be the people with gluten sensitivity.

no matter how much gluten they try to eat for their body to "get used to," they will always face the same symptoms; avoiding it makes them feel better. The same goes for people with lactose intolerance- they feel better when they avoid dairy products.

There are many different ways to eat a balanced diet, and there is no one right way. It is crucial to find a way of eating that works for you and that you can stick to long-term.

If you're unsure how to eat a balanced diet, you can use a FREE consultation option with one of our nutritionists. They can help you figure out an eating plan that is right for you.


To sum up, portion control is vital when it comes to weight management but also knowing what portion size suits you best. A balanced diet is essential for good health, and a food diary can help you figure out what works best for you.

Contact us if you need help with portion control or starting a balanced diet.

Stay Strong #BeFortius

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Andjela Tanasic

Andjela is a Fitness and Life Coach that likes to help people improve their overall lifestyle.

She holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science, where she specializes in Corrective posture methods and NLP, Life Purpose Coach, and Emotional Intelligence Coach certificates.

She expresses her passion for fitness through many sports, from playing a team sport - volleyball (+7 years of experience), to playing soccer leagues in Dubai and participating in a couple of Fitness bikini competitions in recent years.

She wisely combines everything she knows about the activity of mind and body to get the best outcome with her clients.


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