A Day in the Life of a Dubai Personal Trainer: My Passion for Fitness

Dubai Personal Trainer Milos Tanasic

Dubai is a city of dreams, offering fantastic opportunities, especially for dedicated personal trainers. Thanks to Dubai's fitness-focused culture and favourable tax structures, it's a place where I can see the rewards of my efforts. Of course, a personal trainer's life here is demanding, but I wouldn't have it any other way. So, let's dive into a typical day...

Early Bird Gets the Client

Popular Dubai personal trainers see schedules fill up fast. My first client arrives bright and early at 6 am. I maximize my day with nearly back-to-back sessions until around 11 am. This optimization translates into higher earnings and, most importantly, the chance to help more people reach their fitness goals.

More Than Just Workouts

People sometimes think personal trainers count reps for hefty fees. But building a successful PT business requires so much more:

  • Growth Mindset: I'm constantly learning and improving to give clients the best possible experience.

  • Social Savvy: Social media is a powerful tool for finding and connecting with new clients.

  • Hustle: Dubai's saturated fitness market demands standing out from the crowd. That means hard work, intelligent strategies, and always giving clients exceptional service.

Every Personal Training Client Is Unique

Dubai boasts a diverse population, which means my clients are just as varied. I train company executives looking to start their day strong, moms seeking to achieve their health and fitness goals, busy entrepreneurs fitting in afternoon workouts, and even those on late-night schedules. Adapting to individuals keeps my job exciting!

Fueling My Passion

Personal training is intense! I use breaks strategically for my own well-being – sneaking in a quick workout, eating a healthy meal, managing my social media, or even sharing my knowledge through blogs. Alright, I confess to the occasional Instagram scroll... we all need a few minutes to unwind! ;)

The Perks and the Purpose

Ten sessions or more a day can be draining, but seeing clients' progress and their joy in achieving their goals is what keeps me going. Personal training is more than just a job—it's about transforming lives through fitness. Plus, the flexible schedule and income (my client's joke about me out-earning bankers might not be too far-fetched) definitely sweeten the deal!

My Healthy-ish Life

My nutrition focuses on fueling my work (hello, eggs and healthy fats!). Hello Chef meals, thanks to my incredible wife Leonie, and Train SF's delicious protein shakes keep me going strong. Evenings are for winding down. Family time, the occasional cheat meal (emotional release, anyone?), and quality Netflix sessions help me recharge. Rest and recovery are crucial for a trainer if you want to stay on top of your game!

Why I Love Personal Training

Yes, personal training in Dubai is demanding, but the rewards are unmatched. I get to work with fantastic people like you; as a bonus, my fitness journey inspires others.

Introducing Fortius Dubai

I'm Milos Tanasic, founder of Fortius Dubai, a company dedicated to helping people achieve their best selves through personalized training and support. We've seen incredible body transformations and renewed self-confidence in our clients.

"With the help of Fortius Dubai I have manage to lose over 15 kilograms and build the body I never that I could have. What helped me the most on my fitness journey is the good energy their personal trainers have which combined with fantastic skills made them the best possible choice for my fitness journey"- Client Gawin L

"I did alot of research trying to find a expert personal trainer that could help me get in shape and achieve a six pack body transformation. Fortius Dubai seemed to have the most professional website with a strong client base which gave me the confidence that they were skilled at helping people achieve their fitness objectives. Thanks to coach Aleks from Fortius I managed to get into the best shape of my life in just under 14 weeks! I highly recommend Fortius Dubai personal trainers to anyone who wants to get healthier, stronger and have a more chiseled physique!"- Client Nick H.

If you're ready to prioritize your health, fitness, and overall well-being, let's talk! Together, we can create a plan to help you achieve your goals.

Common Questions and Answers

How much does a good personal trainer in Dubai earn in monthly salary?

A dedicated and successful personal trainer in Dubai can charge 300-600 AED (approximately 80-160 USD) per hour.With an optimized schedule, a busy trainer can expect to work 100-200 sessions monthly, resulting in a potential income of 8,000-16,000 USD per month. However, reaching these top-tier earnings takes time, experience, and building a strong client base. If you're a new personal trainer in Dubai, a more realistic expectation is around 1/4 or 1/5 of this amount at the start of your career.

What are Dubai Living Costs for a Single Personal Trainer

As a single personal trainer considering a freelance visa in Dubai, be prepared for a range of living costs. A studio apartment, rental car, gym membership, and basic food expenses can run you anywhere from 7,200 - 16,300 AED (approximately 2,000 - 4,500 USD) per month. This depends on your lifestyle choices and preferred areas. Living on a budget is definitely possible in Dubai! I'll dive deeper into the breakdown of costs and money-saving tips in an upcoming blog post.

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Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Blog
Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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