Body Transformation in Dubai: The REAL Secrets to Success

Personal Training & Body Transformation Experts in Dubai

Our client, Rusana, struggled to start her fitness journey. She thought it would take too much effort to achieve the desired results, and the fast-paced life in Dubai did not make a complete lifestyle change seem possible. Most people are in the same position as Rusana once was, thinking they must move mountains to achieve success on their transformation journey. They think they need to turn their lives upside down and that their hectic schedule will never allow them to achieve sustainable results. They do not believe it's worth putting in the effort to become the best version of themselves. Most people feel this way because of information overload, lack of direction, and fears like the fear of failure, missing out, and not being good enough to become a success story. In this blog, I want to summarize the fundamental requirements for a successful body transformation journey. I firmly believe everyone can achieve a successful body transformation in Dubai and still enjoy the perks of living in this fantastic city!

The REAL Secrets to Success

Dubai Personal Trainer Milos Tanasic Secrets to a Successful Body Transformation

Start the correct way!

When I say start the correct way, I mean to perform the necessary assessments to evaluate your current situation and, based on that set, realistic goals. The first session is decisive to your transformation program, so you must ensure that the personal trainer taking you on this transformation journey has evaluated your current state and made a program that suits your schedule and lifestyle habits to ensure you are set up for success from DAY 1.

PRO TIP: Never settle for personal trainers who want to start your package without doing an assessment and setting clear objectives and expectations from day 1. Fitness is scientific, and we know exactly what is required to lose weight, preserve, or build muscle; it is not a guessing game!

How much physical training is enough?

The amount of training in your training program will depend on your specific goal and the time frame you want to achieve it. It is crucial to understand that your program can be curated to lose 200,500,1000 or even 2000gm per week of body weight. However, it is also vital to realize that losing more might not be beneficial in the long run or sustainable, so your personal trainer has the moral obligation to advise what is the best way forward for you and to strike a balance between your goals and what is the best for your health and well-being. In most cases, clients can achieve fantastic results with just 3 personal training sessions per week. Some people achieve great results with just 2 weeks of workouts, and some prefer to ramp things up and train 4 to 5 times per week. There is no ideal number of weekly sessions. What is closest to an ideal is what is sustainable, enjoyable, and what you can recover from.

Do I need to starve myself to achieve a successful body transformation?

To achieve weight loss, one must eat fewer calories than one burn. This is a simple scientific explanation for weight loss. Now, eating less than you burn automatically means that you will have to get familiar with hunger. Here is where an experienced fitness professional comes in and helps you curate a nutrition plan that will be wholesome and provide you with the right food choices that will keep you fuller for longer. This is also where you might go easier on your initial weight loss expectation of 2 kilograms per week. That will require TITAN efforts as your caloric intake would have to be dramatically low.
In contrast, your activity level would have to be ramped up! Basically, more pain and hunger leads to faster results, and vice versa. The choice is yours! :) Jokes aside, see, with some minor discomfort, you can probably get into the best shape of your life in just under 14-16 weeks. What is that compared to the past 20,30,40 years or the next 20,30,40 years after your transformation?

PRO TIP: Be aware of body transformation programs and personal trainers that heavily cut your caloric intake and disregard your health for specific targets and marketing objectives.

Shall I do it on my own without a personal trainer?

You could do it independently, but why haven't you done it so far in your life? You could probably find some body transformation program online that, if you stick to it, could guarantee some results, but with experts' help, you are much more likely to stay focused and persist when you hit a plateau, have a bad week, or start feeling lost on your journey! Studies have shown that with the guidance of a good personal trainer, you are much more likely to achieve great results than attempting to transform on your own.

PRO TIP: People often hesitate to reach out to fitness experts because they think a body transformation program is going to cost them a fortune. However, in most cases, a personal trainer or a personal training company will have different services and tiers to support people and get them to their objectives, independent of their financial situation. Book a free consultation to learn more about the services we offer at Fortius Dubai.

The Fortius Dubai Way!

Fortius Dubai Personal Training and Body Transformation Company

We are a personal training and body transformation company that has helped hundreds of people achieve their body transformation goals. Here you can find some of our client's fantastic transformations:

We are a results-oriented company that still prioritizes your physical and mental health over drastic transformations. Results the right way is our motto! We offer a FREE consultation in which we perform your assessment, evaluate your current health status and other parameters, and set up a sustainable plan based on our mutually agreed objectives. Our world-class team helps you drop body fat and build lean muscle tissue while learning the essential fitness and nutrition methods that will enable you to sustain your results once you have completed your journey with Fortius!

Questions and answers

How much muscle can I put on while maximizing weight loss in a 12 weeks body transformation program?

The exact numbers will depend on your previous training experience, current fitness levels, age, body fat percentage and current muscle percentage, as well as your workout program and nutrition plan (total calories and macros). If you are a beginner you will be able to lose a significant amount of body fat while still achieving some significant muscle growth, as you gain training experience it will be harder and harder to drop weight and achieve muscle gain at the same time. To dive deeper into this topic and see exact number on a male and female client example click here!

I have a tough time cooking and getting my meals in consistently due to a busy schedule, what do you suggest?

You can try out 2 different approaches. First approach that is easy to follow is to sign up with a good meal prep company that will deliver already prepared meals. That will save you the hassle of meal prepping and it will ensure you dramatically increase your chance of getting fantastic results. The second approach would consist of 2 main courses and one quick pre made or home shake. If you can commit to 2 meals per day that option is simple, easy to do and will help you stay on track. To understand more how we can help you with your nutrition, check out our nutrition coaching services.


As you can see, achieving results requires some level of commitment, but it definitely does not require you to turn your life upside down! You can also see that there are multiple options so you don't have to cash out thousands of dollars to achieve results! I hope that this article will help inspire you to take the first step toward a life-changing journey! Believe in yourself & know that you are equally capable of getting in better shape and building a physique that will inspire thousands around you!

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To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out our science-based blog!

Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Blog
Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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