Female Body Transformation: Find Out What Is Achievable In 3-6 months!

Body Transformations By Fortius Dubai - Before and After Pictures

Weight loss is a hot topic among women of all ages. Getting that beach physique is always high on the wish list, but what is achievable in 3-6 months and what to do to achieve a good body transformation remains unclear for most! Do you need to do that juice cleanse? If you overeat protein, are you going to grow too much muscle? Is HIIT or Resistance training the most optimal, or should you go for long walks? We live in an information era where access to information is unlimited, but this makes it so much harder to separate fact from fiction and find the right resources to ensure you don't waste time, energy, and resources without getting any results! In this blog, I will summarize what is achievable in 3-6 months and share some of our female clients' body transformation successes!

What to Expect in 3-6 months With a Body Transformation Program

Let's assume you want to achieve great results without turning your life upside down. You are committed to a calorie-counted meal plan that is putting you into a 500-calorie deficit, don't want to spend more than 3 hours a week in the gym, and are willing to commit to a moderate daily step target of 5000 steps.

Let us summarize the commitments:

  • Calorie-counted meal plan (protein, carbs, and fat ratios, optimized for preserving muscle tissue) - 500 calorie deficit

  • Three resistance-based workouts per week - primarily free weights, resistance machines, and body weight exercises

  • 5000 steps daily

Let's say you slip up on the weekend and eat 500 calories above your target. That means you will create a deficit of 2500 calories weekly, equivalent to approximately 300-350gm of scale weight. This means that over three months/12 weeks, you will lose approximately 3.6-4.2 kilograms of scale weight. Keep up with the exact step count and calorie target and progressively intensify your three weekly workouts, and by the end of a 6-month/24-week period, you will be approximately 7,2-8.4 kilograms lighter. Before you conclude that this is too little, I want to ask you: have you ever lost 8 kilograms in the past, and if you did, how long before you gained it back? If you have achieved a successful body transformation in the past and if you managed to hold onto the results, then you might not need to read any further; however, if you struggled in the past or are struggling now, read through the entire article to gain valuable insight that you can apply on your body transformation journey!

Important Considerations: You could increase the step count to 10000 steps daily, ramp up your training to 4-5 sessions per week, and create a more significant deficit; however, there is a very high chance you will lose more muscle in the process, that you might slow down your metabolism quicker and that you might have a more challenging time adhering to the plan due to elevated hunger levels. The impact on sleep and stress management could also be detrimental. This is why a deficit of 500 calories makes much more sense. This is particularly true with shorter, more petit females with a low BMR (basal metabolic rate). With taller, overweight, or obese women, there is a possibility of increasing the caloric deficit to 1000 calories daily and achieving double the weight loss numbers.

Important Note: While there is no precise formula for calculating this, we can assume that for every kilogram you lose, you will lose approximately 2.5cm from your waistline. So, losing 4 kilograms would result in losing 10cm of your waist. Numbers will differ from person to person depending on their fat distribution, where they lose weight and fat first, etc. These are some general numbers to show you that if done correctly, even though 4 kilograms might not seem like much on the scale, it can dramatically change your body composition and the way you look in the mirror!

Female Body Transformation Results with Fortius Dubai

We have helped women of different shapes and sizes gain muscle, achieve their weight loss objectives, build self-confidence, and change their unhealthy lifestyles.

Lulu's Before and After Picture with Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers

Lulu was in decent cardiovascular shape when she joined Fortius; she was doing a few group classes per week; in particular, she was fond of spinning classes. However, that did not help her reach the tiny waist and nicely shaped legs she always wanted. She was also constantly tired and hungry as her relationship with food was not suitable due to information overflow and no one being able to explain to her not to fear certain foods. Once she started working with Fortius Dubai, she built a more positive relationship with food, which allowed her to manage her hunger levels better. She found a balance between eating at home and outside in social settings and did not feel the need to punish herself with a hardcore spinning class the day after going out with friends. In the gym, she started to enjoy a weight training regime; she managed to build muscle while losing weight and body fat in the process. To find out more about Lulu's succes story, click here!

Female Client Fitness Journey and Before and After Pictures.

Keontae had a demanding job which had her constantly rotate her shifts from day work to night work. This distrupts the sleep to wake cycle and can have detrimental effects on a womans body and health. Sleeping well, eating right and being consistent in the gym was a struggle. With alot of effort she would drop a few pounds but then immediately regain it in a matter of days. That is why Keontae reached out to Fortius to have somoene teach her the right way to eat and train, hold her accountable and guide her on her own body transformation journey. Within a few weeks she started noticing some results and in just 3 months she made significant changes in her physique. To read morea about Keontae's weight loss journey, click here!

Female Client Fitness Journey and Before and After Pictures.

Are you looking for a female personal trainer in Dubai? If YES, click here!

When Rusana joined Fortius Dubai, she had a very toxic relationship with food and she struggled with constant weight gain. She was what you would ask a stress eater. The begining did not go according to plan, and Rusana struggled to keep her diet in order, but she never lost the drive to push herself. She was consisten with her 3 weekly training sessions and even though the workouts with Fortius Dubai were physically demanding they were at the same time enjoyable. Once Rusana started having the right support system and the right nutritional guidance her body shape started to change even faster than what she'd hoped for in the first place. She has been working with Fortius for over 12 months now and has lost more than 30 kilograms!

The Time Has Come For You To Tell Your Own Body Transformation Story!

Same as the women we transformed, you are also capable of achieving fantastic results! We know that making a change, adopting a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise routine and better food choices can seem scary and to demanding but it is the best thing you can do for your well being, for your own skin, your body and your confidence. You do not have to make big strides, no one is forcing you to adapt a strict diet and exercise every day of the week. Small changes can amount to life changing results in a matter of months. In order to help you better understand where you are currently in your journey and what you need to do to achieve the rresults you want, we extend a FREE consultation with our team of professionals. No Strings attached!

Want to get more aquanted with our work? Check out the Beach Body Training Guide by Head Coach Milos!

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Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Blog
Abdul Rahman Nisar

Abdul Rahman Nisar is a lever 3 Reps Certified Personal Trainer. When he is not writing fitness-related content, he participates in fitness competitions like the Spartan Race or Tough Mudder! He is a father of two lovely daughters who love to trial the newest Kung Fu moves they learned in practice on their dad!


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