Gym Tips for Beginners by Head Personal Trainer Milos Tanasic

Most beginners at the gym can feel intimidated by all the different equipment and machines, but don’t be discouraged. With a few simple tips from me, you can learn how to get the most out of your gym routine:

  1. Invest in comfortable clothes

  2. Start with basic exercises

  3. Start small and build up

  4. Set realistic goals

  5. Find a workout buddy that will hold you accountable and keep you motivated

  6. Drink plenty of water

  7. Warm up before your workout

  8. Don't forget to stretch

  9. Track your progress

  10. Have fun

1. Invest in comfortable clothes - you're more likely to stick with your routine if you're comfortable.

No matter your fitness goals, comfort should be a top priority when choosing your workout clothes. The biggest mistake I see beginners making is wearing clothes that are too tight or won’t stay in place. Investing in comfortable clothes that you can move freely in will make your time at the gym much more enjoyable. And don't forget about shoes! A good pair of sneakers can make all the difference regarding comfort and support. Not sure where to start? Check out Squat Wolf for stylish and functional workout gear.

2. Start with basic exercises

When starting, it’s best to focus on simple and safe exercises. If you can perform a proper barbell squat from day 1, then kudos to you, but in most cases, a few weeks of isometric wall holds, some bodyweight heel elevated squats, and some isolations like leg extension and hamstring curls might be a safer start for most beginners.

If you are a female looking for the perfect guide to gym training, check out our "Beach Body Training Guide for Women." Click here to find out more!

3. Start small and build up! Don't try to go to the gym every day for two hours your first week.

When starting a workout routine, it is important to start small and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Trying too much too soon is one of the most common mistakes people make. Not only is it more likely to lead to injury, but it can also be demotivating and discourage you from sticking with your fitness goals. Instead, focus on learning the basics and gradually adding new exercises to your routine. Once you have a solid foundation, you can increase the intensity of your workouts. And if you ever feel like you are over your head, don't hesitate to seek help from a fitness professional. They can design a custom workout plan tailored to your individual needs and goals.

4. Set realistic goals - you're not going to see results overnight, so be patient.

Losing weight or growing muscle is a slow process - you're not going to see results overnight. It's essential to set realistic goals and be patient. Short-term goals are more likely to be achievable and will keep you motivated. Remember, even if the changes you're making are small, they'll add up over time, and you'll eventually reach your long-term goal. So stay positive and keep working hard - the results will come!

Did you know that to lose just 400gm of scale weight per week, you need a deficit of approx 500 calories daily or 3500 calories weekly?

Fitness Trainers Tips

5. Find a workout buddy who will keep you accountable and motivated.

One of the best ways to stay motivated and stick to your workout routine is to find a workout buddy. A workout buddy can be a personal trainer, spouse, or friend. Having someone who will hold you accountable and push you to do your best can make all the difference in staying on track. Additionally, working out with someone can make the time fly by and can even be fun! So if you're looking to take your fitness journey to the next level, find a workout buddy and get started today.

6. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout session.

Staying hydrated is essential for any workout. When you sweat, you lose water and electrolytes like sodium and potassium. This can lead to dehydration, making you feel tired and weak. It can also cause cramps and gastrointestinal problems. To avoid these problems, drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your workout is essential. Aim to drink about 8 ounces of water before you start working out, and then drink another 8 ounces every 20 minutes of exercise. Once you're done working out, drink even more water to replenish your fluids. You can also try an electrolyte drink to replenish your sodium and potassium levels. These drinks can help you to stay hydrated and have more energy for your workout.

7. Warm up before your session - getting some blood flow before lifting weights will reduce your risk of injury

Doing some light type of cardio or some animal flow movements is a great way to warm up before your workout. Getting the blood flowing to your muscles will not only improve your performance, but it will reduce your risk of injury. When lifting weights, ensure you start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the exercise. This will ensure you use the proper form and prevent muscle strains or tears.

Click here to see some dynamic stretches you can incorporate into your fitness programmes.

8. Stretch afterward - some passive stretching will benefit most beginners!

Personal Trainer Stretching

When starting your fitness journey, you might be tight and unable to perform a full range of motion in exercises. This is when active and passive stretching will benefit most beginners! Active stretching includes repetitive movements, while static stretching is when you hold a stretch for a specific period, usually ranging from 15-30 seconds. . It is essential to listen to your body when stretching and never force a stretch. Stretching should be a slow and gradual process to prevent injury. Forcing a stretch can cause muscle strains which will set you back in your fitness journey.

Click here to see some amazing passive stretches from female personal trainer Andjela!

8. Incorporate rest days into your routine - give your body a break to recover

Rest days are just as important as workout days. When you exercise, you put stress on your body, which can lead to fatigue and soreness. Allowing yourself rest days will ensure your muscles can recover and rebuild themselves so that you can return stronger for your next workout. Additionally, taking a break from exercise gives you time to reflect on your achievements and plan for future workouts. So don’t forget to incorporate rest days into your exercise routine!

Pro-tip for gym beginners

When you start exercising, you might have a difficult time understanding whether you are training hard enough or whether you might take it down a notch in your gym sessions, so here is how you should know whether you are on the right track:

  • I woke up, and I didn't feel the muscles I trained yesterday at all, not even when stretching them = You need to add some life/intensity into your training

  • I am supposed to train my hamstrings today, but they are still sore from the workout I did four days ago = You had a high-intensity workout for which your body was not prepared yet, and you should not train that muscle if it's sore. Then, once you have trained it again, reduce the overall volume or intensity (weight on the bar/machine) by 10-20% and reevaluate how you feel afterward.

  • I trained my chest and felt sore the next day, but after 48 hours, the soreness was gone, and I will be fully recovered to train that muscle again after four days.

9. Track progress - having a plan is critical to successful exercise

Keeping track of your progress and planning can help you focus on your fitness journey. Writing down your goals will give you something concrete to work towards, and tracking your progress will show you how far you've come. You can also use tracking tools like fitness apps to track your food intake and input your weights in your sessions. You can use bioimpedance scales, measuring tapes, and before and after pictures to evaluate whether your physique is changing.

The tools above will give you understand what works for your body and which exercises are most effective for your goals. So, make sure to track your progress when starting your fitness journey!

10. Have fun - exercise doesn’t have to be a chore

Fitness can be an enjoyable experience if you make it one. Don’t be afraid to try something new; however, understand that you need a routine to optimize your results if you have a specific goal. Having fun with fitness will help to keep you motivated and focused on achieving your goals. If you need help curating a fitness program, our personal trainers can help you in multiple ways!

I hope that you found the tips above helpful! If you would like to read more, please check our following blogs:

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Additional related resources:

Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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