Keto Diet for Beginners in Dubai: Your Ultimate Guide to Fat Burning

Keto Diet Foods for Weight Loss in Dubai

Ketogenic diet a summary

Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging in Dubai's fast-paced lifestyle. The ketogenic diet offers a practical and effective solution for busy individuals seeking weight loss and wellness goals.

In this article, I will give an overview of the keto diet for beginners so they can become armed with the knowledge they need to understand it and its many benefits.

The ketogenic diet, a low-carb, high-fat diet, can offer numerous health benefits and has gained popularity recently due to its effectiveness, especially when combined with intermittent fasting. It's also an effective way to lose weight in the long term. The keto diet has been around for decades, and it has grown in popularity recently due to its effectiveness when combined with intermittent fasting. This post will provide you with everything you need to know about this type of diet so that you can decide if it's right for your needs!

The ketogenic diet, with its focus on healthy fats and reduced carbohydrate intake, offers many benefits that can be particularly valuable for individuals navigating Dubai's fast-paced and demanding lifestyle. Whether juggling a high-pressure career, a vibrant social life, or simply seeking a sustainable approach to health and wellness, the keto diet can provide the focus, sustained energy levels, and simplified solutions you need to thrive. The benefits extend beyond weight management and energy levels; the keto diet has shown promise in treating or alleviating symptoms of certain chronic diseases, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Let's explore key benefits that make the keto diet attractive for Dubai residents.

It's important to note that I'm not advocating the ketogenic diet as the best for everyone. I aim to create similar articles that highlight the benefits of different dieting approaches, empowering you to make the best choices for your health.

Starting with the 13 most common questions about the ketogenic diet, I will then delve into the numerous benefits of this low-carb, high-fat diet. Finally, I will discuss some of the potential side effects, providing a comprehensive overview to help you make an informed decision.

If you find this article helpful, please share it and stay tuned for more!

Blog outline

13 most common questions about the ketogenic diet

Is the keto diet right for you?
  • The ketogenic diet is straightforward to follow. You'll start this diet by limiting your carbohydrate intake while increasing the levels of healthy fats you eat daily. This change in eating habits will shift your body from using glucose as its primary energy source to using fat instead.

    Furthermore, when you limit the number of carbohydrates you eat, your body will start producing small fuel molecules called ketones and begin burning fat as its primary source of energy.

    This is known as ketosis and can be very beneficial for those who are looking to lose weight and improve their overall health.

  • No, you don't have to be in ketosis for your body to start burning fat effectively. Although reaching this state can speed up the process and help you lose weight faster, it's not required when starting out on a ketogenic diet.

    However, there are some cases where people who aren't in ketosis see great results from following this type of diet. If you're not convinced, many other benefits of the ketogenic diet make it worth trying out!

    Many people find great success combining intermittent fasting with a low-carbohydrate meal plan. I've personally tried both these types of diets with my clients and seen fantastic results.

    Each person is an individual, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each person needs to figure out what works best for their needs and lifestyle.

    You may find that you do great when combining intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet and eating only two daily meals, while someone else might be better off having four daily meals.

    It's vital that you do what works for your goals and needs, even if it doesn't work out the way other people are doing it!

  • To reach ketosis, you'll need to reduce carbohydrates to less than 50 grams daily, which will take 2-4 days.

    From there, your body will use the ketones to help you get even more energy from fat.

    However, reaching this state doesn't mean constantly being in an extreme caloric deficit. Once ketosis has been reached, many people opt for a balanced approach, eating healthy carbs on certain days of the week while keeping the rest of their caloric intake at a lower level.

    I've found this approach to be extremely healthy and satisfying for my clients while limiting their cravings for carbohydrates, which is very common on keto diets.

  • It usually takes 2-4 days to reach the state of ketosis on a keto diet.

    The easiest way to know for certain is by using a urine home test kit, which you can get in any pharmacy.

  • Keto flu is a common, temporary set of symptoms that occurs while transitioning to ketosis. It is the result of ketones building up in the body while keto adapting, which can cause symptoms like headaches, nausea, brain fog, fatigue, and lightheadedness.

    Increasing water intake and supplementing with magnesium can usually alleviate symptoms of keto flu. Keto flu is not dangerous, and the symptoms usually go away in a few days.

    I would still not recommend doing any extreme workouts during that period. You don't have to avoid exercise, but just pace yourself for a few days until the keto flu is gone.

  • On a ketogenic diet, you should aim to consume at least 70% of calories from healthy fats.

    These types of food should take up the largest percentage of your plate, while carbohydrates and proteins make up a smaller section. This is important because if you eat too many carbs, it will hinder ketosis, which means you will burn less fat for energy!

    I know 70% sounds like a lot, and I agree that in the long run, it might not be sustainable, so I suggest adhering to it short term, getting the most benefits from it, and then applying a more balanced approach in the long run. That way, you won't feel deprived and will still be able to lose weight effectively!

  • One of the great things about following a ketogenic diet is that you can eat plenty of high-quality fats, like avocados and coconut oil. However, when it comes to which type of fat should make up most of your daily dietary fat intake in order for this diet to be effective, there are two main types: saturated and unsaturated.

    Saturated fats are the best choice for this type of diet since they come mainly from animal sources. Also, these types of fats will help you reach and stay in ketosis more easily because your body is able to metabolize them into ketones very quickly. On top of that, these fats are protective against heart disease.

    Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are mainly found in plant-based sources. This type of fat is great for your health and can help you burn more calories than saturated fats do since they need to be metabolized into ketones before they provide any fuel for your body.

    The science is still out on which types of unsaturated fats are best. However, according to some studies, avocados seem to be a great type of fat for this diet since they have been shown to improve cholesterol levels and protect heart health in other ways as well.

  • When it comes to protein intake on this type of diet, there's no specific amount you should follow. However, since your body needs time to adjust to the ketogenic process and enter ketosis, I recommend eating between 1.7 and 2.2 grams of protein per kg of lean muscle mass daily.

    For example, if you are a 60kg female, this would work out to 100-132g of protein every day.

    If you've reached ketosis, it's a good idea to increase your fat intake and decrease the number of proteins and carbs you eat so that your body can start burning fats as its primary fuel source instead.

  • While on the keto diet, as we mentioned above, it is crucial to maintain a low-carb, high-fat distribution of your calories, but it does not mean that you can not eat any carbs.

    I recommend consuming 30-60 grams of carbohydrates every day. This is not very much, so I recommend eating high-fiber carbohydrates like berries.

    In 50 grams of blueberries, you have 12 grams of carbs, and just two grams of those are sugar.

    Berries contain very little net carbohydrates, but they also have high levels of antioxidants, which can help protect your body from free radicals and diseases like cancer.

    You might think: "But I thought fruit was bad for keto diets?" The truth is that fruit contains natural sugars (fructose), which can impact ketone levels, but the amount of fructose in berries like blueberries and raspberries is much lower than that of other types of fruit.

    If you want to eat some carbs, ensure they are fibrous!

    You can also have vegetables as they are also very low in net carbs and can provide a lot of nutrients.

    However, you should always avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes, which are very high in net carbs.

  • Ketosis pills and liquid drops are not necessary but can help you in the keto diet. These ketogenic supplements may improve your results by helping to speed up the fat-burning process.

    They also work well with intermittent fasting, which is a core part of the keto lifestyle. The most popular ketogenic supplements are ketosis pills and ketogenic liquid drops.

    MCT oil is another popular supplement. It is a ketone body itself and can help to boost ketones without having to fast. MCT oil contains ketogenic medium-chain triglycerides. By using MCT oils you can maintain ketosis even if you have a day where you cheat on keto or don't eat for longer than usual.

    I would not recommend any brands as ketone supplements are still relatively new, and I have not personally tried them.

    A keto supplement may be right for you if ketosis is not coming easily to you or if you want to give your body an extra boost of ketones while working on getting into ketosis naturally. Suppose that sounds like something that would interest you, then it's worth trying ketogenic supplements.

  • The calorie in versus calorie out equation will be decisive when it comes to weight loss, no matter what type of diet you follow.

    That being said, when you switch to the keto diet, it is essential that you pay close attention to the nutritional value of what you eat so that your calorie intake is on point and not too low or high.

    You can calculate your total daily caloric needs on For the most precise numbers, use the Saint Jeor Mifflin Equation!

    You might be wondering now if calories are the most important, why should I follow the keto diet and not some other diet?

    The answer is simple it is due to its simplicity and many health benefits that we are going to talk about in a bit.

  • The ketogenic diet was initially designed to help children who suffer from epilepsy, and it showed great results when following this type of nutritional approach.

    However the keto diet is safe for everyone, but if you have a medical condition that can be exacerbated by eating high-fat foods, then always consult your doctor before starting with any new diet plan!

    Then, if your doctor tells you it's safe for you to try the ketogenic diet out, then go ahead!

    I would also ensure that total protein intake does not fall below the recommended amount, as it is the most important building block for your muscles.

  • My advice is that you stay on this low-carb diet for as long as you feel comfortable with it.

    In the long run, it might be a bit overwhelming to avoid all those delicious carbs, so if you find it hard to do so, feel free to find your own balance.

    I recommend that you follow the keto diet for at least a couple of months to experience firsthand all the benefits of this nutritional approach!

    If you need any help structuring your diet, do not hesitate to contact us at

    Now that I have answered the 10 most common questions about the keto diet, which will help you reach your weight loss goals, let me dive deep into the many benefits of this low-carb diet.

    The ketogenic diet is one of the fastest-growing diets out there, and that's not just because it's so effective at helping you lose weight.

    Rather, the keto diet has numerous health benefits that can improve your life beyond simple physical appearance.

What are the benefits of the ketogenic diet?

Low-carb ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet, with its focus on healthy fats and reduced carbohydrate intake, offers many benefits that can be particularly valuable for individuals navigating Dubai's fast-paced and demanding lifestyle. Whether juggling a high-pressure career, a vibrant social life, or simply seeking a sustainable approach to health and wellness, the keto diet can provide the focus, sustained energy levels, and simplified solutions you need to thrive. The benefits extend beyond weight management and energy levels; the keto diet has shown promise in treating or alleviating symptoms of certain chronic diseases, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Let's explore some key benefits that make the keto diet an attractive option for Dubai residents.

  • The keto diet has been shown to have several positive effects on people with type 2 diabetes. It can help to control blood sugar levels. This is because the keto diet is a low-carb diet, which means that insulin levels will be lower, and the body will have to rely on fat for energy. This can improve weight loss in overweight people with type 2 diabetes because it helps them lose excess fat while also controlling blood sugar levels.

    People with type 2 diabetes have been able to reverse their diabetes on the keto diet by reducing their insulin levels. One study found that participants were able to reduce daily insulin doses from 30 units per day to just four units after only three months on a ketogenic diet.

    You don't have to remove carbs from your diet altogether, but it would be beneficial to try to cut back a while and experience the benefits of the keto diet.

  • The main benefit of the ketogenic diet for weight loss is the fact that the diet nourishes your body with highly satiating foods that make you fuller while impacting the brain pathways less than processed sugary food, which creates addiction.

    That means that the keto diet can help you lower your cravings and overall caloric intake and lose weight by putting you more easily in a caloric deficit.

    People often get confused and believe that reaching just the state of ketosis is enough to lose weight, but that is untrue. Without reaching a caloric deficit, you won't lose weight.

    This diet may also help you feel fuller and might help you adhere to a long-term plan, unlike a high-carb diet.

  • Studies show that people who underwent the ketogenic diet had an improvement in skin conditions such as acne.

    The keto diet is an effective way to reduce insulin levels, which can, in turn, reduce the severity of acne symptoms or even eliminate them.

    The reason people experience improvement in the quality of their skin is mostly due to reduced insulin levels.

    One of the main causes of acne is high sugar in the blood, which happens when there's too much glucose in our bloodstream. With a keto diet, we avoid eating foods that contain refined sugars, like bread and pasta, because they increase inflammation and cause problems with skin health. These types of carbs are broken down and turned into sugar in the body, which is then released into our blood, and if we are insulin resistant or diabetic, then our insulin does not work as well, and we will experience high blood sugar levels.

  • The keto diet for cancer treatment focuses on weight loss through calorie restriction and eliminating refined carbohydrates from one's daily intake. This way of eating reduces inflammation in the body and can be beneficial in preventing cancer.

    Ketosis also has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects in both animal and human studies, which could help reduce tumor growth rates.

    That does not mean that carbs are bad for you and that you should avoid them. I always suggest a balanced approach and then utilize specific dieting approaches to reach particular goals.

  • Data is showing significant improvements in patients who are on the ketogenic diet to fight Alzheimer's disease.

    It helps improve mental clarity and focus for many people, especially those with Parkinson's Disease or other neurological conditions that may cause chronic fatigue or brain fog.

    We see an increas disease due to insulin resistance. As mentioned above, insulin is responsible for turning glucose from food into energy, and if we have too much glucose in our blood, that means that means that insulin cannot do its job properly.

    This becomes especially noticeable with older people because as we age, our cells become more resistant to insulin.

    This is why it's so important to balance your carbohydrate intake and understand that, as you age, a lower-carb diet might be the right choice if your goal is longevity!

  • The scientific community is still studying the keto diet and its effects on depression, but early data shows that it can help people with either bipolar disorder or depressive symptoms.

    It leads to more energy and mental clarity for many people who live busy lives and struggle to get through their days without brain fog.

    As you might have noticed so far, there is a pattern between most diseases and inflammation in the body, which means that the ketogenic diet or a less strict lower-carb diet might be the right choice for the average human.

  • Many people report having more energy when they are on the keto diet.

    This is simply because most people are insulin-resistant and have a hard time balancing their sugar levels.

    Approximately one in six people are insulin-resistant, meaning the cells do not respond to insulin as they should.

    The exact percentage of people is unknown, but it's estimated to be between 20% and 25%. In my opinion, this number is much higher, as some data shows that up to one-third of the population may be insulin-resistant.

    In this case, it's not surprising that keto diets have been shown to improve energy levels and reduce brain fog in many people who suffer from chronic fatigue or depression.

  • The ketogenic diet, for example, is one diet that has been related to a reduction in migraine frequency.

    People with severe migraines have reported that the keto diet has helped them reduce or eliminate their migraines.

    A study published by researchers at Harvard University surveyed sufferers who had tried different diets for their migraines.

    The ketogenic diet was effective, along with anti-inflammatory diets like the paleo diet.

    This is because ketosis may reduce inflammation in the brain, which has been shown to improve migraines and other types of pain.

  • Millions of women around the world struggle with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which can lead to infertility.

    Studies show that the keto diet is effective at reducing insulin levels and balancing hormones for women who have PCOS.

    Women should always consult with their doctor when making this kind of decision, as the glands that regulate their hormones are sensitive, and low-carb diets can lead to increased physiological stress. This can result in your adrenals overproducing cortisol (stress hormone).

    Cortisol has a very negative effect on muscle building and can lead to a hormonal imbalance.

    That's why I suggest a short-term ketogenic approach and then a slow reintroduction of carbs.

  • Many people struggle with food addiction and have a tough time controlling their hunger.

    The keto diet can help people overcome food addiction because it's effective at reducing cravings and increasing feelings of fullness.

  • Studies have shown benefits for runners and marathoners who do the keto diet.

    It helps them stay in a fat-burning zone for longer because it allows their body to draw on its energy stores rather than relying solely on glucose or glycogen, as most people would during such an activity.

    Proteins and fats are also calorically denser than carbs, which means that for long activities like marathons, keto athletes can utilize fat for energy instead of carbs (carbohydrates), which most people use.

    Even if you look at the last meal that astronauts have reported eating, you will see a pattern of high fats and low carbs.

    Now, let’s talk about some of the concerns people should have by adopting this type of dieting strategy!

What are the side effects of the Ketogenic diet?

Is the keto diet right for you?

The side effects of the ketosis diet vary based on several factors. Most side effects will subside after two weeks into the diet, but some can last longer or be permanent.

Side effect symptoms include:

  • fatigue

  • headaches

  • muscle cramps

  • bad breath

Side effects of the ketosis diet can be prevented or reduced by taking a few precautions, such as:

  • Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated and prevent side effects like fatigue and headaches

  • Eating carbs before you work out so that your muscles don't cramp up from lack of fuel.

  • Adding a magnesium supplement to your diet can reduce side effects like cramps.

  • Eating enough salt so you don't experience side effects, symptoms of fatigue, or headaches, often brought on by dehydration and lack of electrolytes.

  • Using mouthwash or gum to eliminate bad breath would be advisable.

Apart from the above, the ketosis diet has no major side effects, which means that the main issue would be long-term adherence to it.

Most people have a tough time keeping the carbs at such a low level, and especially if you plan to socialize, then staying in ketosis will mean no french fries, desserts, or alcohol.


The ketogenic diet, with its numerous benefits, can be a powerful tool for transforming your health and well-being, especially in Dubai's dynamic environment. From boosting energy levels to managing chronic conditions, the keto diet offers a holistic approach to wellness that can help you thrive amidst the demands of this vibrant city. The potential side effects are manageable, and the long-term benefits can be significant.

If you're in Dubai and ready to embark on your keto journey or explore a more balanced approach to nutrition, the experts at Fortius Dubai are here to support you. Our science-based approach to training and nutrition can help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

Ready to take the first step? Book a consultation with us today and discover how we can help you achieve optimal health and fitness in Dubai.

As always, if you have any questions, please comment below!

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Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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