What Makes Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers Different?

Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers

At Fortius Dubai, personal training should be about more than changing how you look. It’s a journey of self-discovery and development, with the ultimate goal of building your physical and mental strength to live life to the fullest. Most personal trainers would say that is the objective when working with their clients, so how are we any different?

We don't sell the DREAM like most salespeople do!

Realistic Goal Setting in Exercise Programs

In a world where people seek instant results our no BS approach does shock the clients initially but is also one of the main reasons why have such a high conversion rate when it comes to the client onboarding process! People actually are smarter than you would think and they do appreciate honesty! Once we do the FREE client assessment our fitness professionals will provide a clear answer on what is achievable within a given time frame. Often that answer is less than what the personal training client would hope for, but when the science behind it is fully explained the client does realize that anyone who overpromised is either a scammer or lacks basic knowledge about human physiology! That approach filled with honesty and integrity provides the potential clients with the trust to move ahead and join Fortius Dubai!

A Fortius Dubai certified personal trainer will utilize a proven science-based approach to weight loss and body composition training, NOT the newest trend!

Certified Personal Trainer with a Science Based Approach to Health and Fitness

Our fitness professionals never fall for the 'latest trend' trap. We are dedicated to constantly staying up-to-date on the latest research in the field and use that knowledge to design programs that are goal oriented! Clients occasionally have different training preferences but when their weight loss goals or other fitness goals have been mapped out they will commit to doing the program that will guarantee results within a specified time!

Personal training with Fortius goes beyond just the 60-minute personal training sessions!

Fortius Dubai Personal Trainer with Client in Dubai

At Fortius Dubai we believe that there is more to achieving fitness goals than just showing up for an hour each day. Our certified personal trainers work closely with their clients, giving them individualized nutrition advice, programs and lifestyle management tips that helps them get the best results possible. We also provide clients with direct daily access to their designated trainer and give them the possibility to communicate on daily basis with their fitness trainer!

Our premium packages also include doctors consultations and body composition analysis to ensure that clients reach their goals in a safe manner. We actually provide all the tools necessary for them to succeed!

Our small team has proof of results replicated over and over again with clients of different fitness levels and backgrounds!

Fortius Dubai personal trainers are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals. We have plenty of success stories to prove that we deliver results and the best part is that our clients come from all over! From different fitness levels, cultures, backgrounds; we take a holistic approach in designing individual training programs specific to each person’s needs.

At Fortius Dubai we don’t just help you reach your goals - we ensure you are educated about the process and empowered to sustain them in the long run. That's how we make sure our clients always get the most out of their training experience!

Ready to get started? Contact us for a free consultation today and let’s start working towards achieving your fitness goals together. Our team of certified professionals is here to help you every step of the way!

We have something to offer to every individual no matter what your budget might be!

Personal training support for different types of budgets that produce results!

Whether you can afford our Premium Body Transformation Program, or you need something budget friendly like our mini personal training package + online training program we can curate a cost effective and efficient program that will help you achieve your goals.

Fortius Dubai will always provide options and solutions that are tailored to each individual’s needs, budget and lifestyle; no matter what they might be! Our goal is to make sure everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential when it comes to personal training!

Common questions and answers

Where is your location in Dubai?

Our central location in Dubai is Train Strength and Fitness Gym in Al Quoz, but we also have options for different community gyms at your desired location and we also provide home personal training services!

Can I join your premium body transformation program with a friend?

That is absolutely possible! Often training with a friend can be more motivating than one on one training, but it will also be more cost effective as we have frequent offers on two and three on one personal training packages!

What kind of training approach do you use for weight loss clients?

Whether the clients objective is to lose as much fat as possible or perhaps gain as much muscle as possible the body requires the same training stimulus which should be a combination of weight training and cardiovascular training. The objective of the weight training is to increase strength over time, working capacity and provide the muscles with the optimal stimulus through strength training and hypertrophy based training. The objective of the cardiovascular training is to improve cardiovascular health so that we can have better output during weight sessions, better digestions and faster recovery. Now in cases where clients need to lose a significant amount of fat cardio will play a more significant role from the standpoint of increasing overall daily output and burning more calories, but in both cases of weight loss or weight gain the diet will be the primary element which will push the body into the desired direction.

To find out more about our other services, check out:

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out our science-based blog!

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