FREE Fitness App: Fortius Fit a Way of Giving Back to our Community

Best free workout apps - Fortius Fit available on apple store and google play store

We know that free workout apps are hard to come by. That's why we created Fortius Fit. We wanted to give something back to the community and help people in every corner of the world get their fitness in for free. Our goal with this app is to build our brand and make the world a healthier place!

Most people can't afford to give themselves an hour per day to work out, and imagine the hassle of losing time driving to the gym! That's why this free app will provide quick 30 minute workouts that you can do at the comfort of your home and get the results you want!

What does the app include?

Free Fitness App - Fortius Fit includes free workouts , tutorials and nutrition

Fortius Fit delivers:

Fully guided workouts

Exercise tutorials and

Healthy recipes

This free app has everything you need to get your fitness to the next level and saves time!

What makes Fortius Fit so great is that you can work out from the comfort of your home, and the app offers both high-intensity interval training and strength training workouts. We recommend that you use both for optimal results, but you can also choose the type you prefer to do!

On top of that, you will have access to exercise tutorials that will teach you how to exercise the right way, and you will also have access to healthy recipes which are delicious and easy to make!

User Testimonials

We just launched, but people that trialed the app pre-launch have the following to say:

Praktisha’s Testimonial

Client body transformation - praktisha followed Fortius Fit workout routine

Stats: 4 weeks, 2 kilograms down, 4 cm reduced in waist circumference

"When I heard at first that it was a free fitness app, I was a bit worried whether to get it or not as I was thinking why would they be offering their app for free if they were good!

Oh, boy, was I wrong! I got hooked and completed every single workout in the first month! I enjoyed every single routine and would like to point out that my body started to tone after the first week, and I dropped one and a half kilograms even without following any strict diet!

I am still shocked that Fortius provides all this value for FREE, but I am genuinely thankful that they do! My top three reasons to recommend this app to everyone are a vast selection of workouts, no equipment required, and no in-app purchases!

Abdul’s Testimonial

Client weight loss results thanks to Fortius best workout app

Stats: 6 weeks, 4kg down, 5cm reduced in waist circumference

"I mean, guys' results speak for themselves, so I am not sure what else to add! Jokes aside, this is the best and most complete free workout app out there!

Once I started incorporating the interval training and bodyweight training workouts from Fortius Fit, I noticed a change immediately. I struggled a lot with weight loss and have been trying to lose a few kilograms over the past few months by going for long steady-state runs. However, except for them making me super tired, they were not adequate for my weight loss goals and did not do much for my muscles either.

The interval routines made me sweat and burn plenty of calories, while the hypertrophy workouts helped me tone and build some lean muscle. As a busy dad with a demanding job, I also loved doing a quick workout in 30 minutes and still improving my fitness levels and physique! Fortius Fit is a must-use app for all busy people, and I recommend it highly!"

Check out some of our other client's results here.

We are building a Fortius Fit community!

Best workout apps - Fortius Fit with no in app purchases

When creating the Fortius Fit app, our vision was to create something that could benefit thousands of people worldwide! In most places, fitness is considered a luxury service, and most people that live in third-world countries can not afford a personal trainer, gym membership, or an expensive workout app! It was essential for us to keep the app FREE, FUN, and SIMPLE to use!

You can download the app today without any monthly subscription or any in-app purchases! We don't offer a free trial; we provide a FREE APP with unlimited access to anyone who wants to work out, sweat, and focus on their fitness and wellbeing.

We have ensured that you will never get bored from our home workout routines with the structure we offer! Each month you will get a new set of 6 workouts! This will ensure that you have enough time to learn all the exercises. Progress the intensity of each workout and excel at the exercises you perform just so you can get a new set of strength exercises, HIIT exercises, and abs routines before you get the chance ever to get bored!

This way, we will keep you engaged throughout your journey with us, and we will make sure that your muscles never adapt to the stimulus our workout program provides!

We offer fully guided workout videos!

best free workout apps - full guided daily workout routines

We offer two types of workouts:

Strength-based routines carefully curated by Head Coach Milos will ensure that your home fitness provides you the stimulus you need to build your strength while simultaneously getting more toned and resilient.

HIIT & core routines guided by coach Andjela. These workouts will ensure that you improve your cardio and core strength.

Whether it is a strength-based workout or a HIIT and core routine, timers, videos, and instructions will be fully guided to ensure that you perform each exercise correctly and get the most out of your workout!

Combining the two types of workouts will ensure that you take your fitness level exactly where it needs to be for you to perform well and get the body transformation you always wanted!

You will love our free app as it offers equipment-free workouts that you can do at your home, hotel gym, or any other location of your preference!

The fantastic thing is that our personal trainers will be performing the workouts with you, which means that you won't be the only one suffering while performing your full-body workout!

Our free tutorials are as good as signing up for a coaching course!

free tutorials - no monthly membership and no paid subscription

You will also have FREE access to our tutorials section of the app. It will include fitness tips, nutrition, lifestyle videos, and even stress management tips that will help you on your journey towards optimizing your health making it truly one of the best free workout apps out there.

Our healthy recipes in the nutrition section will amaze you! 

free healthy recipes to support meal planning

Our app would not be complete without this section to complement your daily training.

The healthy recipes library will have cooking videos that will show you how to prepare nutritious and delicious meals in no time!

Our news feeds will give you valuable information on how to live your best life!

Our news feeds will give you valuable information on how to live your best life!

By checking out the news feeds within the app, you will be able to follow our fitness blog, which focuses on the newest trends in sports science and nutrition science!

You will also be able to follow the newest happenings with Fortius and get particular insight into our trainer's fitness journeys!

Our Team

Meet Coach Milos

Coach Milos

Coach Milos is the Head Coach at Fortius Dubai that has over ten years of experience helping people get into the best shape of their lives!

He holds a Bachelors's degree in Sports science and is a former professional soccer player.

His passion is weight training, and he creates workout routines that can help you tone and build lean muscle.

Our Head Coach knows all the struggles people go through to get fit and reach a beach body as he has gone through the transformation process twice!

Body transformation pic Milos Tanasic - achieve results with daily workouts from our great workout app

"Achieving a natural body transformation is not easy, but it is attainable for everyone! Just do not make the mistake of comparing yourself to many of the online fitness influencers and rather focus on becoming the best version of yourself!"

To find out more about our personalized online coaching, click here.

Meet Coach Andjela

Andjela Tanasic - focuses on pilates and aerobics - female fitness app

Andjela Tanasic is a former volleyball player and bikini competitor.

She won the bikini show in Dubai in 2016.

Andjela Bikini Competition Winner

She also holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science.

With her core workouts and intense workout styles, you will get the full-body challenge you need to get the result you want and all of that without any gym equipment!

"Bodyweight exercises are fun but need to be done the right way! Both me and Milos make sure when we program our routines that they cover all the aspects that are important for you to get and stay fit! Your legs will suffer a bit, but most probably not as much as your core, haha! Jokes aside, I am looking forward to guiding you on your body transformation journey!" - Coach Andjela.

To get your hands on Andjela's signature Booty program, click here!

Meet Chef Jasmine

She also holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science.  With her core workouts and intense workout styles, you will get the full-body challenge you need to get the result you want and all of that without any gym equipment!  "Bodyweight exercises are f

Chef Jasmine is an international chef who has experience preparing dishes from a variety of cuisines. Her main task is to deliver to your plate the nutritious and delicious food ideas that our trainers have!

"At Fortius Fit, we focus on creating simple yet delicious meals that are quick to make! I know that it is crucial to simplify things so we can get everyone in our Fortius Tribe to transform their lives."

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is it practical to work out at home?

When it comes to working out, the most crucial factor for getting results is consistency which means that you should use the training location and method that you can commit to in the long run. There might be some minor differences between working out at home in the gym, using your body weight, or using machines. Still, the most consistent person will always have a better chance of getting good results even if their training program is not the most effective!

Is working out 30 minutes a day enough to make a difference?

Working out 30 minutes a day is enough to get some fantastic results! You can already see some of our client's testimonials.

Will I lose my belly fat if I use the Fortius Fit app?

To lose your belly fat, you need to create an environment in which you burn more calories than what you consume. That's why staying active daily increases your chances of getting rid of all the excess fat as it increases your daily calorie expenditure. You will still have to take care of your food intake to ensure that you are in a deficit. That's why we offer both daily workouts, education, and healthy recipes that will help you on your transformation journey and give you the best possible environment to achieve your fitness goals! You will not just burn belly fat but also tone and get the physique you always wanted!

Does your app include only bodyweight exercises?

At the moment all workouts are bodyweight but soon we will be incorporating dumbbell and kettlebell workouts in the app as well.

Can pregnant women safely use and benefit from the workout routines?

Our home workouts are created for the general population. Pregnant females that have experience working out & that have consulted their physician can follow some of the workouts if they skip exercises that are high impact or anything that puts pressure on the abdominal area. They will most definitely benefit from using the app.

Are your workouts guided?

A personal trainer thoroughly guides each home workout. This way, you will feel like your trainer is working out with you, and you will be able to see proper form and get instructions during Andjela’s cardio workouts!

Do I need any equipment to be able to use the app?

For the at-home workouts, you don't need any props! The only thing you need to bring is a bottle of water to keep you hydrated! Rest is taken care of by us!

Can I use the app in the gym?

You can use the app in any location you want! You only need 2x2 of space, and you are good to get your routine in!

Does the free workout app include high-intensity interval training?

The workouts are a great mixture of strength and high-intensity interval workouts. This is one of the most comprehensive workout apps from which you can benefit greatly.

Will this app help me build up my strength?

Workouts designed by our Head Coach Milos are predominantly strength training routines focused on muscle building, toning, and improving your resilience.

There are a few free fitness apps out there. Why choose the Fortius Fit?

There are many reasons why our app stands out, but perhaps the most important is our powerful team of experienced and certified fitness professionals that make this workout app a powerful tool to help you get the result you want!

Is this workout app suitable for older adults?

This app is suitable for older adults as long as they know how to pace themselves and do not have any injuries or medical conditions. If they have, I suggest that they consult with their medical doctor before using the app. Following some at-home workouts can help them live a fuller and longer life.

Does your app offer yoga workouts?

Our app does not offer yoga workouts at the moment, but in the near future, our plan is to add yoga sessions to our workout library! If you have some suggestions or if you are a yoga instructor yourself, you can reach out to us at for a potential collaboration.

We know you can live your best life!

"Many people lack the confidence to transform their life. Seeing fitness influencers on social media with God-like bodies does not make things easier for someone struggling to reach the body image they want.

I used to be that person before! You can not imagine how many times I doubted myself and felt like quitting on my journey, but I endured and pushed hard to achieve my goals!

As an experienced health and fitness practitioner, I can tell you that everyone can achieve great results with the right mindset, including YOU!

That's why we at Fortius want to inspire you to challenge yourself only and work on becoming the best possible version of yourself!

We can assure you if you do just that and you stay consistent with your workouts and try to learn from us as you go, you will not only reach your expectations, but for sure, you will exceed them!

Join Fortius Fit today and watch how your health, cardio, and physique transform!" - Head Coach Milos.

Want to expand your knowledge - Check out our educational Blog

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