Dubai Personal Training: Results-Oriented Fitness For Busy Executives!

Personal Trainers in Dubai - Male and Female Trainers

Finding suitable personal trainers is important in a fast-paced city like Dubai, where time is money, and no one wants to lose energy on fad diets and sub-optimal fitness programs! Finding the right personal trainer in a city swarming with personal trainers can be challenging. That's why we have protocols at Fortius Dubai that will ensure you can make an informed decision about your fitness journey! Without further ado, let's dive deep into today's blog!

Only sign up for personal training sessions with a FREE consultation!

Personal Trainer during a Online Consultation

No matter how many success stories the personal trainer might have, you need to be able to communicate with them about your objectives, specific circumstances, current lifestyle, and other essential topics before committing to a personal training program. If the person you want to work with has less than 30 minutes of free time to discuss your health and fitness goals, how much time do you think they will genuinely have to put towards your fitness journey in the first place?

At Fortius Dubai, we always honor you with a FREE consultation to determine whether we are a good fit to work together. We'd like to know your fitness goals, previous training experience, and current health status. All of these elements are crucial to ensuring that you are confident in making the right decision about choosing the right personal trainer for yourself.

Expert personal trainers will have a detailed plan to help you reach your fitness goals!

Weight loss and muscle building are scientific, which means that we know what the human body is capable of in terms of losing weight or building muscle depending on the stimulus we give it and the caloric intake we set for our clients. That also means that once we assess with the client, we can set mutual goals, and we can explain in detail what the requirement is in terms of training frequency, intensity, daily step count, and calorie target (deficit or surplus) depending on the client's specific objective!

If your personal trainer wants you to commit to a personal training package before providing you with the information above, you should be aware of their knowledge and understanding of fitness!

Should personal training be fun or goal-oriented?

I would say, where is the fun if you are not achieving your fat loss objectives? I would also add, what's more fun than achieving maximum results? In my opinion, the goal of fitness is to help you find the best version of yourself. While this sometimes does not mean a chiseled six-pack, it most definitely means a healthy body that thrives and is seeing improvements in performance and body composition. Now, for that to happen, there are many ways of training. However, the most optimal one is not so Instagramable. The best workout programs for improving body composition, achieving lean muscle gain, shedding fat, and improving strength are usually very repetitive and consist of executing the same group of exercises over a prolonged period of time. There is always space for more variety and fun elements in training; however, if the objective is a fantastic body transformation, following the scientific way is the right way to achieve your fitness goals!

Home Personal Training

Home Training with Personal Trainers in Dubai

At Fortius Dubai, we offer home personal training services. We believe that the key to success is consistency in training, and sometimes, that requires your coach to come to your doorstep. Most beginner trainers can achieve fantastic results with simple home workout routines; however, at a later stage, having access to a proper commercial gym will help take your fitness to the next level!

Gym Personal Training

Personal Trainer with a Client in a Gym Setting in Dubai

Gym personal training has many benefits over home training, simply due to a wide range of machines that can help you isolate specific muscle groups and provide the stimulus you can not consistently achieve at home via bodyweight and free weight exercises. Access to machines is also excellent for beginners who cannot safely and effectively perform compound body weight or free weight exercises, as they minimize the risk of injury while providing the perfect stimulus for your muscles.

To learn more about how we can help you achieve your fitness goals in Dubai, book your FREE consultation by clicking the button below!

What Do Your Corporate Wellness Offerings Include?

Corporate wellness is a new offering for us. With our experience transforming people's lives, we believe we can apply our methods to improve employee energy levels, posture, and overall health and well-being, which will transform their work performance!

Does Fortius have female personal trainers?

Female Personal Trainer in a Gym

At Fortius Dubai, we have both male and female personal trainers. To find out more about our female trainers, click here!

How fast can I achieve a body transformation?

Clients Results - Before and After Photos

You can achieve a fantastic body transformation within 10-12 weeks if you commit to a vigorous training schedule, hit your calorie targets, and exercise the perfect sleep hygiene. Most people cannot do so from the start, and they require more time to break old habits, install new and healthy habits, heal their bodies, and adopt the right mindset for a successful body transformation.

Do you offer online personal training programs and nutrition plans worldwide?

Professional Online Nutrition Plan and Strength Training Program

Yes, at Fortius Dubai, we offer science-based, results-oriented online training and nutrition plans! To learn more about our online offerings, check out our online body transformation program and nutrition coaching services!

What is the difference between sports training and body composition training?

Sports training is focussed on getting you to perform your best in a specifict sport. All training is focused primarily on movements that will ensure you peak for that specific competition. It can be a preparation for a half marathon, it can be a soccer match or any other competition. When it comes to body composition training the objective is to provide the muscles with the right stimulus for growth and utilize targeted cardio, daily step count to support your nutrition and ensure your needs are meet for the objective of losing fat and building or preserving lean muscle tissue. At Fortius Dubai we specialize in both services!

What are your thougths on using weight loss medications to lose weight?

If you are unable to lose weight despite putting alot of effort into your training and nutrition, and you are in a state where your excess weight is putting your health at risk, in that case I recommend that you consult with a doctor who is a weight loss specialist to discuss the use of these type of drugs. Now if you are only opting for weight loss medications without considering regular exercise, a healthy diet, and possible therapy for emotional eating, then you might just be putting a temporary bandate on a very complex problem.

To find out more about our services, check out:

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out our science-based blog!

Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Blog
Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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