Tips For Choosing The Right Online Fitness Program That Delivers Results!
Education, Coaching Milos Tanasic Education, Coaching Milos Tanasic

Tips For Choosing The Right Online Fitness Program That Delivers Results!

Being physically active is essential for weight management, stress reduction, and overall health and well-being! Now not everyone can afford to have a personal trainer. In-person personal training is a luxury. However, there are many other options out there! Unfortunately, there are too many different options that people need clarification when searching online!

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Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss: A Realistic Approach for Your Body Transformation
Weight Loss, Education Milos Tanasic Weight Loss, Education Milos Tanasic

Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss: A Realistic Approach for Your Body Transformation

In today's fast-paced world, weight loss has become a popular goal for many individuals seeking to improve their health and well-being. However, it's crucial to approach weight loss with realistic expectations and sustainable strategies to ensure long-term success. In this blog, we'll delve into the factors that contribute to weight loss, why aiming to lose 10kg in just one month may not be feasible, and present a more attainable and sustainable weight loss strategy.

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Testosterone in Men: Functions, How to Increase Your Levels and Side Effects of Testosterone Deficiency
Education, Men's Health & Fitness Milos Tanasic Education, Men's Health & Fitness Milos Tanasic

Testosterone in Men: Functions, How to Increase Your Levels and Side Effects of Testosterone Deficiency

As someone 34 years old when this article was written, I can clearly say, based on my blood work and personal experience, how important it is to have healthy testosterone levels.

I see many men in their mid-30s, 40s, or 50s with symptoms of low testosterone. Signs like lack of energy, poor sleep, inability to deal with daily stress, and even depression represent a common struggle amongst today's men!

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What is a Deload in Lifting, When and How to Do it When Your Objective is Maximizing Strength Gains VS Maximizing Muscle Growth
Education, Gym Training Milos Tanasic Education, Gym Training Milos Tanasic

What is a Deload in Lifting, When and How to Do it When Your Objective is Maximizing Strength Gains VS Maximizing Muscle Growth

Deloading is integral to any fitness routine, but it's often overlooked as people focus on the grind and push their bodies to the limit. Studies have shown that deloads in lifting can both help you improve performance and also can have a positive impact on lean muscle mass. Deloads can be a great way to recover from fatigue and prevent injury while allowing you to gain strength and muscle.

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Post Cycle Recovery & Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis: A Guide For Men to Ensure Good Health and Longevity!
Education, Supplements Milos Tanasic Education, Supplements Milos Tanasic

Post Cycle Recovery & Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis: A Guide For Men to Ensure Good Health and Longevity!

Whether you are a seasoned performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) user or just considering the use of synthetic hormones and other anabolic androgenic steroids, you are at the right place! In this blog, I will cover the topics of Post Cycle Recovery (PCT) and everything you need to know about the Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis (HPA axis).

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Why YOU Keep Failing on Your Fitness Journey And How to Break The Cycle!
Body Transformation, Weight Loss, Education Milos Tanasic Body Transformation, Weight Loss, Education Milos Tanasic

Why YOU Keep Failing on Your Fitness Journey And How to Break The Cycle!

Most of you fail on your fitness journey over and over again! Despite your best efforts and good intentions. Is it because of your genetics or bad luck?

The truth is, it isn't. You probably don't even realize it, but the failure lies within you in most cases. You're prioritizing many other things over your physical health and appearance.

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New Breakthrough Weight Loss Medication: Ozempic and Mounjaro
Supplements, Education Milos Tanasic Supplements, Education Milos Tanasic

New Breakthrough Weight Loss Medication: Ozempic and Mounjaro

Weight loss can be a complicated and often intimidating goal to achieve, especially when living with diabetes. Fortunately, there are breakthrough drugs on the market for people who have diabetes that has been found to also help with weight loss. Ozempic and Mounjaro are two such drugs that the FDA has approved for managing type 2 diabetes, and studies suggest that in addition to blood sugar control, these drugs can also be beneficial in weight loss.

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Dad Bod, Do You Have It & Does It Have To Be The Reality For The Modern Man?

Dad Bod, Do You Have It & Does It Have To Be The Reality For The Modern Man?

Are you a family man with a Dad Bod? If so, you are not alone. In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly common for men to feel like they have given up once they become fathers and husbands due to work pressures and social norms. Many men today struggle to reclaim their manhood and achieve the fitness and manliness they had before starting a family.

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What Role Can a Personal Trainer Play in my life? Detailed Analysis of Why You Should Hire a Personal Trainer in Dubai!
Coaching, Education Milos Tanasic Coaching, Education Milos Tanasic

What Role Can a Personal Trainer Play in my life? Detailed Analysis of Why You Should Hire a Personal Trainer in Dubai!

A personal trainer is critical in helping people reach their fitness goals. Not only do they provide the necessary education and guidance on nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits to help you reach your personal best, but they also offer motivation, higher self-confidence, and emotional and psychological support that can significantly impact all areas of your life.

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How To Get a Bikini Model Fitness Body: Review By Former Bikini Competitor Andjela Tanasic

How To Get a Bikini Model Fitness Body: Review By Former Bikini Competitor Andjela Tanasic

Acquiring a bikini body that carries a good amount of muscle mass with great muscle definition but still looks feminine and attractive can be achieved with hard work and dedication. Women often shy away from weights for fear of getting “bulky,” but their muscle-building capacity is limited and should be embraced instead of feared.

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Weight Gain and Weight Loss Explained by Nutrition Coach Milos Tanasic
Education, Weight Loss, Nutrition Milos Tanasic Education, Weight Loss, Nutrition Milos Tanasic

Weight Gain and Weight Loss Explained by Nutrition Coach Milos Tanasic

Maintaining a healthy body weight is something that many people struggle with. Several contributing factors can lead to weight gain, but the most prevalent ones are ultra-processed foods and lack of movement. These two lifestyle choices have become so widespread that obesity has become one of the world's leading causes of health problems.

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